Nestivity - Infographic

Nestivity (Twitter communities) asked InfiniGraph Co-founder Chase McMichael and Dr. Natalie Petouhoff to conduct the research, “The 30 day analysis is based on the InfiniGraph Engagement Analysis Platform, which compared the average number of re tweets (RT) per post from February 2nd to March 5th 2013, using proprietary algorithms for determining Twitter responses, content trend scores and clicks on links and other content,” McMichael told us.

Mastering Twitter can be tricky and most organizations are playing defense. They are playing an intense game without rules, where new players can arrive on the scene at any time, and where one mistake can set the organization back for months. But those that have mastered Twitter are creating extraordinary opportunities for their organizations and they include such juggernauts as Walt Disney, ESPN, NBA, MTV and NASA. These companies and the 25 others listed below understand the power of engagement.

Read the Full Post on Forbes →

Read how Mashable Covered It →

Huffington Post: Top 25 Engaged Brands on Twitter →

Huffington Post: 3 Lessons on Social Media From The Onion →

Huffington Post: Brand Engagement →

Forbes: 10 Lessons from the Top 25 Most Engaged Brands on Twitter →


Created while serving as Founder/CEO of Nestivity


Built a Tweetcast for Twitter - SaaS, Mobile


Helped Taser launch the new X3 - Microsite